Authentic Recipes from the Kitchens of Shriya, Nithu & Arthi!

Chemba Puttu – Brown Rice cake

Puttu is a breakfast dish popular in Kerala and Tamilnadu. Puttu is served with kadalai curry and banana. It can also be served with sugar and banana. It takes very less time to make this dish. Puttu Podi is available in most of the Indian stores here. There are white rice and chemba rice (red rice) podi available. I have used chemba puttu podi for make this dish.

Puttu Kutti or Puttu maker is used to make the cylindrical shape puttu. You can also use idli plates to make this dish.

Preparation time: 30 minutes

No. of servings: 2 to 3


  • Chemba puttu podi or Brown rice puttu flour – 2 cups
  • Shredded coconut – 1/2 cup
  • Sugar – 4 tbsp
  • Cardamom – 3 nos.
  • Ghee or Clarified butter – 1 tsp
  • Hot water – 1 cup
  • Salt – 1/4 tsp

puttu kutti1
Method of Preparation:

  1. Boil a cup of water and add a quarter teaspoon of salt.
  2. Take 2 cups of puttu podi in a bowl and sprinkle some salted hot water and mix well.
  3. Continue this until the flour hold its shape when you squeeze it in your palm.
  4. If there is not enough water, the puttu will not be cooked.
  5. The flour needs to be wet and free flowing. Add powdered cardamom and mix well.
  6. If you have ‘puttu kutti’, the utensil to make puttu, fill the bottom portion (the pot) with water till it is half full.
  7. Fill the top portion with two handful of the prepared powder and 2 tbsp of shredded coconut and again with two handful of powder and repeat it till it is full.
  8. Cover it with the lid and place it on top of the pot and Cook over medium until for 12 minutes or until steam starts coming out of the holes in the lid.
  9. If you don’t have a puttu kutti, you can use your idly plates. For detailed procedure, check White Rice Flour Cake.


🙂 Enjoy your puttu.


  1. one of our favorite BF .best combo with kadala curry .

  2. Wow! This is lovely! I’m gonna gobble the rice puttu! It’s healthy too!

  3. Nithu, shall I drop in for a breakfast :). They look awesome and my favourite.

  4. Hi Nithu

    What a dish! What clicks!! I can almost grab them out of the monitor. I have followed many blogs, but your preparation stand amongst top of the tops. Rice cakes are awesome.

    Hamaree Rasoi

  5. Yummy n healthy puttu…beauuuuuuuutiful click…

  6. new for me.. good that i can use idli maker for this.. i guess this needs practice.. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Nithu,

    Puttu is my favorite too. I like it.

  8. nice recipe…healthy too

  9. Those two towers are perfect for my breakfast…Nice Pictures…

  10. Puttu is one of my fav too but its been long since i had this….it looks very tempting and delicious …

  11. Woww my fav..makes me nostalgic:)..

  12. Looks mothewatering..i liked that sugar coating

  13. This is new to me..looks so delicious & healthy Shriya.

  14. This looks lovely! I always wanted to make this and here I bookmarked this recipe.

  15. The Puttu maker has 2 parts: ‘Puttu kutti’ as explained here and the pot in which 3/4th water is boiled is called ‘Puttu Kudam’. This clarification is necessary as point no: 6 wrongly names Puttu kutti instead of Puttu kudam for boiling water


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