Authentic Recipes from the Kitchens of Shriya, Nithu & Arthi!

Useful Veggie Tidbits

There are many ways to cut and cook the vegetables. Each and everyone of us have our own way of cooking. I would like to share some of the easy methods I know.

  • Onions: To avoid watery eyes, peel the onion and cut into two. Keep it refrigerated for few hours before cutting. Or just rinse it with water after you cut onions into half.
  • Lemon: If the lemon or lime is hard, put it in warm water for 5-10 minutes to make it easier to squeeze.
  • Potato: Don’t store potatoes and onions together. Potatoes will rot quickly if stored with onions.
  • Bitter Gourd: To get rid of the bitterness in bitter gourd to an extent, soak the cut pieces of bitter gourd in salt water for 2 hours. (ex: 2 tsp of salt in ½ liter of water). While frying add salt if required.
  • Garlic:Put the garlics in warm water for few minutes and after that peel it. You will see the difference.
  • Tomatoes : while you shop for tomatoes pick the ones that are only half ripes and only a few ripe ones. That way by the time you cook the ripe ones rest of your tomtaoes will ripen, lasting you longer than usual.

These are some of the few tips you can use it in your day to day cooking. Always reuse the boiled vegetables water for your cooking because it contains all the nutrition.

Hope these tips are useful and look out for more in the coming weeks. I am sure you have your own tips to share with us and we would love to here some of that in your comments.