Authentic Recipes from the Kitchens of Shriya, Nithu & Arthi!

Mooli Paratha/Radish Paratha

My mom used to make mooli parathas. Last week, when I tried methi paratha I remembered about this mooli paratha. I wanted  to try it since then and I have tried immediately :). It is very easy to make will be tasty too.

Preparation time: 30 minutes
No of Servings: 2
Spice level: 2 out of 5


  • Radish-1(grated)
  • Green chillies-2(finely chopped)
  • Red chilli powder-1 tsp(according to spice level)
  • Cumin powder-1/2 tsp
  • Garam masala-1/2 tsp
  • Coriander-1 tbsp
  • Salt-to taste
  • Wheat flour-2 cups
  • Oil 2 tsp

Method of Preparation:

  1. Mix all the ingredients except for the wheat flour and oil and cover the mixture for 15 minutes.
  2. Radish will leave some water. Remove that water and keep it aside.
  3. Now take the wheat flour and use the water taken from radish and make a smooth dough just like that for chapathi.
  4. Cover it for 15 minutes.
  5. Make small balls and spread the dough to your palm size and keep 1 tsp of the stuffing in the center and fold it from all the sides.
  6. Now slowly spread the radish stuffed ball, like chappathi.
  7. Roll it in such a way that the stuffing should not come out.
  8. Take a flat pan and fry the paratha by spreading little oil on both the sides till it becomes golden brown.
  9. Repeat the procedure for the remaining dough.
  10. Serve hot with Pickle or raitha.


  1. lovely looking paratha.nice way of using the excess water also

  2. Mooli paratha looks fluffy and yummy

  3. Delicious paratha! Perfect with some raita 🙂

  4. nice recipe…good pictures..liked the way of using water to knead the dough

  5. Parathas look perfect. Perfect with some pickle

  6. Lovely parathas ..I can see that you have used very little oil.
    Never thought of using the extracted water to knead the dough.

  7. Love Mooli Parathas, looks yum and great pics too.

  8. Nice paratha n healthy too…

  9. hi Arthi, mooli ka paratha looks divine…even I make this in similar way…pics are too good…

  10. arthi healthy one yarr.. i used to prepare radish stirfry.. the paratha also sounds interesting.nice picts and very well explianed..good job yarr

  11. Arthi,

    Nice mooli ka paratha Looks really good.

  12. Mooli parathas are hot and it must taste heavenly with some raita!

  13. Arthi..

    Wow parathas looks great.. WE love any stuffed paratahs, tasted this one just once and now we know how to make it at home, great..

    Kairali sisters

  14. Healthy and delicious paratha! Love the addition of radish.

  15. looks delicious arti..

  16. I have mooli in the referigerator and so, will go ahead and use it soon, you tempted me. Delicious pics 🙂

  17. Mooli parathas looks perfect. Nice pictures as well.

  18. I really want to learn how to make this -looks great!

  19. This is a new dish to me that I would love! It looks insanely delicious! I would love to try them.

  20. Looks delicious parathas..

  21. Paratha looks inviting..It’s high time I made this paratha..just tempted to grab that from the screen;-)

  22. looks perfect and so delicious…

  23. Perfect and yummy…looks delicious.

  24. I make mooli paratha the same way. Looks delicious.

  25. I have not yet tried mooli paratha so far,looks really nice aarthi!

  26. Thank you everyone for dropping by and giving valuable comments..

  27. Hi Arthi,

    I was seaching for Mooli Paratha recipies and just saw ur page. I’m very impressed the way you have put the pictures. The preparation method is also put up in a very simple fashion. Thank you for sharing your recipe. I will try it out for tonight dinner.

    • Thanks kavitha!!

  28. Lovely thanks for sharing this recepie. Will try it out definitely